Search Engine Optimization Consulting

Hello, I'm Geeta Singh, your SEO Consultant, and I'm here to supercharge your online presence.This page is your gateway to understanding the world of Search Engine Optimization consulting and how I can make a difference for your business. I offer a personalized approach, tailored to your unique needs and goals.


Contact me, your trusted Search Engine Optimization Consultant, and let's get started today

Geeta Singh -Digital Marketer- SEO, Social Media Consultant Toronto, Search Engine Optimization Saskatoon, Calgary SEO Expert, Vancouver SEO, Pay Per Click, WooCommerce SEO, Magento SEO

SEO/Search Engine Optimization Consulting Process

Our SEO Search Engine Optimization Consulting process is a meticulous and data-driven approach:

Discover Opportunities

Embark on a journey of discovery with expert Search Engine Optimization services. Together, we’ll uncover untapped opportunities to enhance the online presence. Through strategic optimization and tailored solutions, the digital landscape will be navigated, ensuring the website not only ranks higher but captivates the target audience. Seize the potential of the online domain and propel the business to new heights through the power of effective Search Engine Optimization.

  • Uncover hidden potential through SEO audits.
  • Craft personalized strategies for your goals.
  • Navigate the digital landscape with precision.
  • Create engaging content for meaningful connections.

Discover Opportunities


Crafting a Search Engine Optimization strategy is a forte. The approach involves delving into the intricacies of your business to design a tailored solution. From meticulous keyword research to on-page optimization, every step is strategic. With a focus on both search engines and user experience, the goal is to elevate your online presence. Together, we’ll navigate the dynamic digital landscape, ensuring sustained visibility and meaningful engagement for your brand.

  • Thorough analysis for insights.
  • Tailored strategies for your goals.
  • Precise on-page and off-page optimization.
  • Continuous adaptation for SEO landscape changes.


On-site Optimization

As a Search Engine Optimization specialist, the focus is on excelling in on-site optimization. From fine-tuning meta tags and optimizing headers to enhancing website structure, every element is ensured to align with search engine algorithms. Meticulous keyword placement and content refinement are paramount. With a focus on user experience and Search Engine Optimization best practices, websites are transformed into search engine-friendly powerhouses, driving increased visibility and engagement for lasting online success.

  • Meta tag refinement for precision.
  • Optimized headers to boost visibility.
  • Enhanced website structure for SEO alignment.
  • Meticulous keyword placement for strategic impact.

On-site Optimization

Content Marketing

In the realm of Search Engine Optimization, content marketing is a forte. The specialization lies in creating compelling, keyword-rich content that resonates with the target audience while aligning seamlessly with search engine algorithms. From blog posts to engaging website copy, content strategies are crafted to enhance online presence, drive organic traffic, and foster meaningful connections for sustained success in the digital landscape.

  • Compelling, keyword-rich content creation.
  • Aligns seamlessly with search engine algorithms.
  • Strategies for enhanced online presence.
  • Drives organic traffic and meaningful connections.

Content Marketing

Analysis and Reporting

Analyzing SEO performance is a core expertise. Through detailed analysis and reporting, complex data is transformed into actionable insights. Key metrics such as organic traffic, keyword rankings, and user behavior are tracked, providing a transparent view of a website’s effectiveness. This data-driven approach enables strategic decision-making and ongoing refinement, ensuring the SEO strategy evolves dynamically for sustained visibility and success in the competitive digital landscape.

  • Expert analysis for Search Engine Optimization performance.
  • Transform complex data into actionable insights.
  • Transparent reporting on key metrics.
  • Ongoing refinement for sustained visibility and success.

Analysis and Reporting

Drive Traffic to Your Website

Why Choose Me as Your SEO Consultant

Selecting me as your SEO Consultant means partnering with a dedicated professional invested in your online business's triumph.

With years of experience, I bring a wealth of expertise that consistently delivers results. I'll develop personalized strategies to enhance your website's visibility, boost organic traffic, and optimize your ROI.

  • aim-iconOnline Reputation Management
  • timer iconRely on an experienced and knowledgeable dedicated freelancer
  • crop iconSave time and money
  • online iconConnect with pre-qualified customers

Free SEO Audit

    Comprehensive Search Engine Optimization Consulting Services:

    A comprehensive suite of SEO Consulting services is provided to amplify brand visibility. The focus is on delivering proven strategies and data-driven solutions that drive measurable results. With extensive experience and a track record of success, businesses can leverage expert guidance to optimize their online presence, enhance search engine rankings, and reach their target audience effectively.


    On-Page SEO

    Elevate your website’s visibility and relevance with strategic on-page optimization. Meticulous attention is given to fine-tuning meta tags, headers, and content structure to align with search engine algorithms, ensuring your pages rank higher and attract targeted traffic.

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    Off-Page SEO

    Build a robust online reputation through high-quality backlinks and brand mentions. Effective off-page SEO strategies establish authority within the industry, boosting the website’s credibility and improve search engine rankings through a strong backlink profile and positive brand signals.


    Local SEO

    Optimizing online presence for local searches ensures businesses shine in geo-specific results and attract nearby clientele. Through strategic local SEO tactics, businesses can target and connect with their desired local audience, driving foot traffic and boosting sales in their immediate vicinity.

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    eCommerce SEO

    Ecommerce-focused strategies are implemented to enhance product visibility, improve category rankings, and drive more qualified traffic to your ecommerce platform. The goal is to unlock the full potential of your online store through tailored approaches and optimize every aspect of the customer journey.

    Components of Search Engine Optimization


    Page Titles

    Writing related and effective pages title.


    Meta Description

    Effective use of desired keywords.



    Heading structure with appropriate keyword selections.



    Creating and submitting HTML site map.

    seo website
    media image

    Use of Media into Articles

    Search engines detect your article as a quality article. that help your web ranking.


    Use Keywords in Article Title

    Use main keywords in title so that search engines reads finds them easily.


    Use H1 Element, H2 & H3

    Size heading elem ents are used to determine important elements of a web page.

    link icon

    Use Internal Linking

    Internal linking is an effective method to increase SEO perform ance.


    PA and DA are high

    Determining the quality of a website or blog
    on search engines.

    link icon

    Relevant anchor text

    Having relevant anchor text will make the domain
    authority higher.


    Permanent Backlinks

    We will create valuable backlinks that will
    not be deleted.


    Do follow status

    A link that tells search engines to follow the
    intended page.


    Keyword research

    Determining the quality of a website or blog
    on search engines.


    Sort keywords by low/high competitiveness

    Having relevant anchor text will make the domain
    authority higher.


    Analyze keywords that are used by competitors

    We will create valuable backlinks that will
    not be deleted.


    Choose optimizable keywords

    A link that tells search engines to follow the
    intended page.


    Total Visit

    Total number of organic traffic
    will increase.


    Visit Duration

    Amount of time spent in a web page
    will increase.


    Bounce Rate

    Bounce rate will decrease i.e., people will start taking
    action in the website.


    Global Ranking

    Traffic rank of site, as compared to all other
    sites in the world.


    Local Ranking

    Traffic rank of site, as compared to all other sites
    in the local area.


    Category Ranking

    Traffic rank of site, as compared to all other sites
    in that category.


    Code Optimization

    For optimal performance, we will suggest
    minifying the codes.

    media image

    Image Optimization

    Reduce size of the images that will allow the website
    to load faster.


    Keyword Optimization

    Optimize keywords for different
    search engines.

    Hear from Our Happy Customers

    Frank A. Lucas, Ph.D, NHC


    I highly recommend Geeta if you’re looking for someone who is motivated to help you with improving your presence on the internet. She has grasp the unique characteristics of our niche services and taken proactive steps to help reach our existing and potential clients. Best of all, she’s accomplished all of this in a caring, matter of fact approach that is respectful to my time constraints and idiosyncrasies. Thanks Geeta. You’re the best!

    Frank A. Lucas, Ph.D, NHC
    Holistic Health Practitioner and Health Coach, Radiant Health Club at NUPRO

    Ron Dunlap


    Geeta is a wonderful person to work with. She is highly professional, very helpful, and supremely competent in what she does. She has a great depth of knowledge in her field of expertise, and l learned a great deal from her.

    I would highly recommend Geeta to anyone that needs the best.

    Ron Dunlap
    CEO - Creative Internet Marketing Solutions since 1993

    Adrian Duncan


    Geeta looked after marketing for my site for a period of two years and she was full of ideas, attentive to my company’s needs, and prompt to reply. I can fully recommend her services.

    Adrian Duncan
    Astrologer -AstroWOW
    5.0 stars

    FAQ about Freelance SEO Services

    Hiring a Freelance SEO expert offers several advantages. First, it's cost-effective, as you pay only for the services you need, avoiding the overhead of a full-time employee. Freelancers often bring specialized skills and deep SEO knowledge, providing tailored strategies for your business. They offer personalized attention, focusing solely on your project, which can lead to quicker results and better communication. Freelancers are also adaptable, capable of adjusting strategies swiftly to meet evolving SEO trends and your specific needs. Overall, hiring a Freelance SEO expert can help you enhance your website's visibility in search engines, increase organic traffic, and achieve long-term growth without the commitment of a full-time hire.

    The cost of Freelance SEO services can vary widely depending on several factors. Freelancers often charge hourly rates, monthly retainers, or project-based fees. Rates are influenced by the freelancer's experience, the competitiveness of your industry, the scope of work, and the complexity of your website. On average, hourly rates range from $50 to $200 or more, while monthly retainers can start at $500 and go up significantly for comprehensive SEO campaigns. Smaller projects like a one-time site audit may cost less, while ongoing SEO efforts typically require a monthly retainer. It's essential to discuss pricing and expectations with the freelancer upfront to align on costs.

    Yes, providing access to your website's backend, content management system (e.g., WordPress), and analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics) is crucial when working with a Freelance SEO expert. Access allows them to perform essential tasks such as optimizing on-page elements, tracking performance, and diagnosing technical issues. It enables them to make necessary changes to improve your website's SEO. While you should ensure the freelancer is trustworthy, it's typically safe to grant access with limited permissions, like read-only access for analytics. Clear communication and secure sharing of access details are essential to maintain the confidentiality and security of your website.

    The timeline for results from Freelance SEO services varies significantly depending on numerous factors, including the competitiveness of your industry, the state of your website, and the effectiveness of the SEO strategies employed. Generally, noticeable improvements in search engine rankings and organic traffic can take several months. You might see some early wins in the form of minor ranking boosts, but substantial progress often occurs within six to twelve months of consistent SEO efforts. For highly competitive markets, it may take even longer. SEO is an ongoing process, and patience is key as long-term results typically yield the most significant benefits.




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