PPC Pay Per Click Consulting

Welcome to Pay Per Click (PPC) Consulting! I'm Geets Singh, your Pay Per Click consultant and guide in the world of online advertising.

Pay Per Click is an incredibly powerful tool for businesses seeking to drive traffic, and achieve tangible results. Choose me for PPC success: I stay updated on evolving trends, leverage AI for precision, and prioritize transparent, data-driven strategies.

I'm here to help you navigate the complex world of Pay Per Click advertising. Create effective campaigns, and maximize your ROI.

Geeta Singh -Digital Marketer- SEO, Social Media Consultant Toronto, Search Engine Optimization Saskatoon, Calgary SEO Expert, Vancouver SEO, Pay Per Click, WooCommerce SEO, Magento SEO

Our Pay Per Click Consulting Process

Navigating Pay Per Click success is a collaborative journey.  


Discovery Strategy

Crafting your PPC discovery strategy is a journey of understanding your business intricacies. I immerse myself in your objectives, analyze industry landscapes, and pinpoint target audiences. This deep dive guides the development of a tailored approach, ensuring optimal ad placements and resonant messaging. Through meticulous research and strategic planning, I pave the way for a Pay Per Click strategy that not only generates clicks but drives meaningful conversions for lasting impact.

  • Business Goals Analysis
  • Target Audience Profiling
  • Competitor Assessment
  • Keyword Research and Selection
  • Budget and Timeline Alignment

Discovery Strategy

Keyword Research and Selection

In the realm of Pay Per Click, my expertise lies in meticulous keyword research and selection. Through a strategic approach, I delve into the nuances of your industry, identifying high-performing keywords that align with your goals. Armed with data and insight, I curate a targeted list, optimizing ad campaigns for maximum impact. This precision ensures that your message resonates with the right audience, driving not just clicks but meaningful conversions for your business.

  • Thorough Keyword Exploration
  • Competitor Keyword Analysis
  • Relevance and User Intent
  • Volume and Performance Evaluation
  • Negative Keywords Inclusion

Keyword Research and Selection

Compelling Ad Creation: Transforming Words into Action

As your Pay Per Click specialist, I excel in compelling ad creation, turning words into actionable results. I meticulously craft ad copy that not only captures attention but also resonates with your target audience. By blending creativity with strategic messaging, I ensure your ads stand out in the crowded digital landscape, driving engagement, clicks, and ultimately, conversions for your business.

  • Audience-Centric Messaging
  • Persuasive Language
  • Engaging Visuals
  • Effective Calls-to-Action (CTAs)
  • A/B Testing and Iteration

Compelling Ad Creation: Transforming Words into Action

Precise Campaign Setup: Building the Framework for Success

In the realm of PPC, my proficiency lies in precise campaign setup. Leveraging industry insights and strategic planning, I configure campaigns with meticulous attention to detail. From ad groups to budget allocation, I ensure every element aligns with your objectives. This precision not only optimizes performance but sets the stage for a targeted, cost-effective PPC strategy that maximizes your online presence and delivers tangible results.

  • Optimal Ad Placements
  • Keyword Grouping and Ad Extensions
  • Budget Allocation and Bidding Strategy
  • Ad Schedule and Geo-Targeting
  • Conversion Tracking and Analytics Integration
  • Quality Assurance and Testing

Precise Campaign Setup: Building the Framework for Success

Continuous Optimization Pay Per Click and Reporting

Analyzing Pay Per Click performance is my forte. Through comprehensive reporting, I distill complex data into actionable insights. Tracking key metrics, I provide a transparent view of campaign effectiveness. This data-driven approach allows for continuous refinement, ensuring your PPC strategy evolves for optimal results. From click-through rates to conversion analysis, I deliver reports that empower informed decisions and drive ongoing success.

  • Real-Time Monitoring
  • Keyword Refinement
  • Bid Management
  • Ad Copy Enhancement
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • Transparent Reporting
  • Collaborative Strategy Sessions

Continuous Optimization Pay Per Click and Reporting

Comprehensive Pay Per Click Services

Specialized Pay Per Click expert to cater your business objectives.

icon search

Search Campaign

Compelling ad creation ensures your message captivates the target audience. Strategic bidding maximizes campaign efficiency. Continuous optimization based on real-time data refines the campaign, driving not just clicks but meaningful conversions. Let’s boost your online visibility and achieve your business objectives with a powerful search campaign.


Display Campaigns

I strategically curate visually compelling ads that grab attention. Targeting specific audiences enhances relevancy. Continuous optimization ensures optimal performance. Let’s elevate your brand with impactful display campaigns, driving engagement and conversions in the competitive digital landscape.


Video Campaign

Tell your story through captivating visuals. Video campaigns allow you to engage and educate your audience on platforms like YouTube, capturing attention and leaving a lasting impact.


Social Media Campaigns

Connect with your audience on social platforms. Through tailored social media ad campaigns, I tap into the vast user base of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to engage users, drive website visits, and boost conversions.



Reignite interest from previous visitors. Remarketing campaigns strategically display your ads to users who have interacted with your website before, reinforcing brand awareness and encouraging conversions.


Mobile App Install

Drive app downloads and engagement. I create targeted campaigns to promote your mobile app across various platforms, attracting users who are interested in your app’s offerings.



Generate phone calls directly to your business. With call-only campaigns, I optimize ads to encourage users to call your business directly from search results, boosting lead generation and customer connections.



Showcase your products to eager shoppers. I create and manage shopping campaigns to display your product listings on platforms like Google Shopping, driving traffic and transactions.

Why Me as Your Pay Per Click Expert?

  1. Proven Track Record: Backed by a successful history of Pay Per Click campaigns. I bring industry expertise for tangible results.
  2. Tailored Approach: My customized strategies maximize relevance with targeted keywords and ads.
  3. Data-Driven Precision: I fine-tune campaigns for optimal performance in keywords, bids, and placements.
  4. Compelling Creativity:I captivate audiences and drive clicks, ensuring your campaigns stand out.
  5. Transparent Partnership: Open communication throughout our collaboration, providing updates and insights.

I stay ahead with AI integration, automation, and trends like video dominance for impactful campaigns.

Transform your digital success with precision. Choose me for targeted strategies, transparent, and impactful campaigns. Let’s elevate your online presence together.

Hear from Our Happy Customers

Frank A. Lucas, Ph.D, NHC


I highly recommend Geeta if you’re looking for someone who is motivated to help you with improving your presence on the internet. She has grasp the unique characteristics of our niche services and taken proactive steps to help reach our existing and potential clients. Best of all, she’s accomplished all of this in a caring, matter of fact approach that is respectful to my time constraints and idiosyncrasies. Thanks Geeta. You’re the best!

Frank A. Lucas, Ph.D, NHC
Holistic Health Practitioner and Health Coach, Radiant Health Club at NUPRO

Ron Dunlap


Geeta is a wonderful person to work with. She is highly professional, very helpful, and supremely competent in what she does. She has a great depth of knowledge in her field of expertise, and l learned a great deal from her.

I would highly recommend Geeta to anyone that needs the best.

Ron Dunlap
CEO - Creative Internet Marketing Solutions since 1993

Adrian Duncan


Geeta looked after marketing for my site for a period of two years and she was full of ideas, attentive to my company’s needs, and prompt to reply. I can fully recommend her services.

Adrian Duncan
Astrologer -AstroWOW
5.0 stars

FAQ about Freelance PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising

Freelance PPC experts often offer specialized skills and a more cost-effective solution compared to hiring full-time staff. They can provide focused attention to your campaigns, helping you achieve better results.

You can find freelance Pay Per Click professionals on platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or through referrals from colleagues or industry networks. It's crucial to check their portfolios, reviews, and qualifications before hiring.

Costs can vary widely based on factors like the freelancer's experience, the complexity of your campaigns, and your budget. Some freelancers charge hourly rates, while others work on a monthly retainer or project-based fees.

Yes, typically, you will need to provide access to your Pay Per Click advertising accounts for a freelance specialist to manage your campaigns effectively. They may also require access to analytics tools for performance tracking.

Effective communication is key. Clearly outline your goals, budget, and expectations from the start. Maintain open and regular communication throughout the collaboration and be open to their expertise and recommendations.




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